Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-08-10.
- Awarded 719 times.
- 1.6% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by jamielinux on 2013-08-25.
- Last awarded to ksurma on 2025-02-01.
Badge Holders
cicku patches ralph rdieter spot jamielinux kevin orion besser82 remi adamwill gotmax23 lachmanfrantisek churchyard kalev vicodan pbrobinson petersen lbazan ausil limb pingou mrunge ffmancera codeblock feborges sgallagh omos ankursinha peter jwboyer nphilipp fab nb akurtakov msuchy asrob siwinski toshio slaanesh bochecha puiterwijk till sparks twaugh immanetize cwickert aeperezt bcl lmacken nonamedotc sharkcz karsten ryanlerch rhughes jskarvad luya pnemade salimma pghmcfc leigh123linux vondruch jgrulich robert lkundrak troycurtisjr notting mbooth ppisar crobinso mizdebsk ignatenkobrain jwrdegoede sochotni mschwendt jpopelka pbrady jussilehtola rjones rmattes filiperosset williamjmorenor mattdm pjones zbyszek tdawson sundaram mooninite thozza raveit65 scop goldmann sagitter jsmith epienbro gil maxamillion jforbes thm apevec gnokii tuanta fabiand gomix eseyman hguemar fale jreznik msrb kdudka mtasaka smani walters duffy hobbes1069 sophiekovalevsky ktdreyer ianweller kushal yograterol dbruno amigadave galileo lupinix skytux lsm5 rathann rishi jjames heliocastro caolanm jkaluza bruno tflink mkrizek jcapik mclasen mcpierce corsepiu whot iddnna jplesnik tagoh sergiopr comzeradd kwizart akozumpl s4504kr cheeselee ... and 570 other people.