Badge Statistics
- Created on 2013-08-17.
- Awarded 32252 times.
- 72.0% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by rstrode on 2013-08-17.
- Last awarded to ericcanzler on 2025-03-17.
Badge Holders
sandeepgh aliceqtfox cdixon1024 mackenzie brianok marsooka scudbyre ieagle boltthrowerxii razvanpetru jessai nirajbhutada megadavidtor deepakcs alexissolanas sarthak2509 tsbarras sbueno nicholasvmoore egerton hiransr suhaspr01 zarel aneshv jmtux ctubbsii jjboydy abenjami bitencourt mavdyushev gurucheth roysrijib jamilli thunderbirdtr adow maksimburnin rizwaan aeperezt narainkarthikv shkabazi msousa3 lucasagomes nikilarson taosld ggainey johnhakar lloydcoms13 loic hcl herotan24 yuboot raubvogel mvocu fedusr nandgate akrherz kraken isyangxin rbrady paul8620 jd7atorre fahmadi6 nullpointer mordoc42 booi trujillo bnemec tailsboimax pm4rcin markusm1966 massimo81 hansvon snwh rblanchar bdawg425 yshin8 othmahammedi jcarbone jmcdonald kelalo auravision1951 ahmedqais neumannr computergui jeviolle marquessbr lowprofile spredzy sspaleta hellrains munimala zippy1981 blendergeek krafty jlebon mmgk thuta amkonopko pallimalil lynnepreston ecorini raj123 kg4sgp fedonono guy001985 patches karm dennishiding olahaye74 manuelmongeg ecashin Zen42 jgbradley dwr atoponce alboyle cleytonbs jskcse4 mkollar deaconmacmillan ttg marqh ratonerly aqib mrtherich linuxsamurai mateusags tymensk jordimas jaesuklee mahmoudnoor dreanor starcounter g33k nobrakal the-daos n00b efesoldman tmacedocesar leonardosilva wevans512 mazeran tuankiet65 dimitrysaf desmon bizmoski lrangel opek sanderstak ... and 32103 other people.