Badge Statistics
- Created on 2014-09-02.
- Awarded 64 times.
- 0.1% of people have earned this badge.
- First earned by jreznik on 2014-09-04.
- Last awarded to austinpowered on 2019-09-12.
Badge Holders
mattdm jreznik robyduck jzb Croberts gnokii adamwill pfrields kevin jwboyer eischmann immanetize chrisroberts jsmith nb yaderv duffy roshi grundblom pbokoc astra jbwillia veon coremodule linuxmodder x3mboy bt0dotninja churchyard bcotton mohanboddu codeblock satellit zbyszek dyaffe ausil mailga mohamedfawzy puiterwijk pbrobinson pravins potty jkurik jflory7 bex jonatoni m4rtink austinpowered alciregi lruzicka asamalik bowlofeggs cmurf ngompa psabata cverna dustymabe frantisekz jdoss jlanda sumantrom sgallagh randomuser pnemade skamath