Rising stars: month of 2024-04-01 to 2024-05-02

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#1 (#566 all time) ofourdan earned 6 badges during this period.
#2 (#922 all time) farchord earned 5 badges during this period.
#3 (#1719 all time) jexposit earned 4 badges during this period.
#3 (#7701 all time) jannau earned 4 badges during this period.
#3 (#470 all time) scorreia earned 4 badges during this period.
#3 (#405 all time) jonathanspw earned 4 badges during this period.
#3 (#175 all time) siosm earned 4 badges during this period.
#8 (#7701 all time) ydesouza earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#2242 all time) leoleovich earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#382 all time) gui1ty earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#2546 all time) sbrivio earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#1167 all time) neil earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#2733 all time) wombelix earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#1118 all time) slp earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#1520 all time) amoloney earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#9234 all time) markkemel earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#31890 all time) mengel earned 3 badges during this period.
#8 (#1118 all time) opohorel earned 3 badges during this period.
#19 (#894 all time) numans earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#2242 all time) jbtrystram earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#3999 all time) shortbike earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#1355 all time) flatcap earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#2733 all time) ol earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#4588 all time) royaryan305 earned 2 badges during this period.
#19 (#4588 all time) carlosrodrifernandez earned 2 badges during this period.