Rising stars: year of 2024-01-01 to 2024-12-31
Looking for the all-time leaderboard?
#1 | (#241 all time) | jonathanspw earned 34 badges during this period. | |
#2 | (#297 all time) | gui1ty earned 30 badges during this period. | |
#3 | (#735 all time) | neil earned 29 badges during this period. | |
#4 | (#579 all time) | farchord earned 28 badges during this period. | |
#5 | (#579 all time) | aleasto earned 27 badges during this period. | |
#6 | (#1603 all time) | kanru earned 26 badges during this period. | |
#7 | (#1885 all time) | turboben earned 25 badges during this period. | |
#8 | (#1424 all time) | jexposit earned 24 badges during this period. | |
#9 | (#2042 all time) | aggraxis earned 23 badges during this period. | |
#9 | (#1603 all time) | egoode earned 23 badges during this period. | |
#9 | (#1603 all time) | semeijn earned 23 badges during this period. | |
#9 | (#1228 all time) | blinxen earned 23 badges during this period. | |
#13 | (#1424 all time) | lecris earned 22 badges during this period. | |
#14 | (#93 all time) | mikelo2 earned 21 badges during this period. | |
#14 | (#2042 all time) | nmontero earned 21 badges during this period. | |
#14 | (#1333 all time) | lihis earned 21 badges during this period. | |
#14 | (#2273 all time) | wombelix earned 21 badges during this period. | |
#14 | (#776 all time) | topazus earned 21 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#2146 all time) | ryanabx earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#1138 all time) | trix earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#202 all time) | gotmax23 earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#63 all time) | dcavalca earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#2424 all time) | derekenz earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#2424 all time) | ihuguet earned 20 badges during this period. | |
#19 | (#149 all time) | siosm earned 20 badges during this period. |